Praktijk Hoek Melkweg - Studentenhulpverlening

Ralph EversI studied clinical psychology at the University of Groningen and then specialized in Gestalt therapy.

Out of the many psychological theories and forms of psychotherapy, I find the Gestalt approach the most inspiring due to its focus on the human being and his condition.


I am also fascinated by the relationship that this human vision shares with Taoism. It implies that in the course of therapy, a particular complaint cannot be understood without its background and the current living situation. The key to change is found in the here and now of the therapy situation. The goal of Gestalt therapy is broader than 'cure ': it can be better seen as 'healing'.


I am a member of the scientific council of the Dutch / Flemish Association for Gestalt Therapy and Gestalt (NVAGT). Furthermore, I am a board member of Existential Society Aletheia. I also work at Praktijk Mercurius in Utrecht.


Psychologist NIP (Dutch Insitute for Psychologists)
Dutch Flemish Association for Gestalt Therapy and Gestalt (NVAGT)
